Fellow: Indian Chemical Society
Member - RSC, ECS, ACS
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
NanoBioTech Laboratory,
Departmental of Environmental Engineering
Florida Polytechnic University, Lakeland, FL-USA

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Research Experience
Over 10 + years’ experience of exploring design and development of nanostructures for biosensors, nanomedicine, and drug delivery systems development.
Over 10 + years’ experience leading research teams, product development, and device integration to develop electrochemical biosensors for personalized health care.
Electrochemistry to explore electrochemical properties of various nanostructures, using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), Cyclic Voltammetry (CV), and Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV), to design and develop efficient biosensors.
Experience in nano-enabled electrochemical biosensors
Fabrication, characterization, and optimization of electrochemical biosensor
Electrochemical characterization and analysis of nanomaterials and biosensors using CV, DPV, EIS techniques
Preparation and characterization of electro-active nanostructured materials
Analysis of biosensor device properties and reliability
Development of a miniaturized biosensing device
Exploring POC sensing of biomarkers
Experience in developing personalized nanomedicine for health care.
Exploring personalized health care
Exploring nanomedicine for CNS diseases
Exploring electro-magnetic nano-carriers for drug delivery
On-demand controlled site-specific drug delivery.
Magnetically guided drug delivery to the brain for the treatment of neuro-HIV.
Exploring tools for HIV incidence
Exploring nanomaterials for clinical application
Exploring the effects of nanomaterials in animals (mice and baboons)
Demonstrated ability to collaborate effectively as a member of multidisciplinary research teams.
Establishment of collaborations and managing/performing research at the multi-institutional level.
Managing safety protocols such as IBC, IRB, and IACUC to conduct the research under NIH/NSF/Institutional guidelines.
Organizational skills with experience in assuming ownership of assigned tasks, successfully completing the tasks, and mentoring/supervising junior-level scientists.
Coordination with experts, institutions, and clinics to promote research at the clinical level.
Managing progress reports and research publications to justify the success of the project.
Exploring new funding opportunities for future research.
Research Interests
Research Areas
Nano-biotechnology/engineering for diagnostics and therapeutics Applications
Nano Carriers for drug delivery
Nanomedicine, Personalized Nanomedicine
Nano-formulation for therapeutics
Electrochemistry, Electrochemical biosensor
Fabrication and optimization of electrochemical biosensor
Synthesizing and characterizing electrochemically active nonmaterial for electrochemical biosensor
Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured materials for Gas sensor
Wearable sensor for point-of-care application
BioMEMS and Micro/Nano fabrication systems
Ph. D. (Chemistry), 2010
Topic: Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nanocomposite for Electrochemical Bio-Sensing Application
Department of Chemistry, Jamia Milia Islamia and National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India
M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry), 2002 C. C. S. Univ. Meerut (U P), India
B.Sc. (Phys. Chem. Math.), 2000 C. S. Univ. Meerut (U P), India
Employment History
July 2019- Till Date Assistant Professor Chemistry
Department of Environmental Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA
July 2015- June 2019 Assistant Professor
Center of Personalized Nanomedicine, Institute of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, Department of Immunology of College of Medicine, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA
Nov. 2013 – July 2015 Post-Doctoral Associate
Center of Personalized Nanomedicine, Institute of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, Department of immunology of College of Medicine, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA
Nov. 2011 – Oct. 2013 Post-Doctoral Associate
BioMEMS and Microfabrication Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA
Sept. 2011 – Nov. 2011 Post-Doc,
BioMEMS and Microfabrication Systems Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA
Dec. 2010 - July 2011 Research Assistant,
National Center of Sensor Research, Biomedical Diagnostic Institute, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
April 2007 – Dec. 2011 Senior Research Fellow,
Biomedical Instrumentation Section, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India
June 2004 - April 2007 Project Assistant,
Optical Radiation Standards, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India
Professional Membership and Committee assignments
Fellow-Indian Chemical Society
Electrochemical Society (ECS)
American Chemical Society (ACS)
Academy of Scientists for Industrial Research and
Awards and Achievements ​
2022, 2023, 2024 - Ranked Among world’s top 2% of scientists - by Stanford and Elsevier
​Chair-Elect: FL- ACS (American Chemical Society Florida Section) 2024-2025 https://fl-acs.org/
NanoFlorida Steering Committee Members [Florida Association for Nanotechnology (FAN) and NanoFLorida 2025] https://www.nanoflo.org/contact-us
Judge: EMSD-2024 Conference Oral & Poster Sessions.
Judge: NanoFlorida 2024 Conference Poster Sessions.
Judge: FAME-2024 Conference Poster Sessions.
Chair-Elect Designate: FL- ACS (American Chemical Society Florida Section) 2023-2024
Selected as a Global Initiative of Academic Networking (GIAN) Expert by the Ministry of Education – Govt. of INDIA to conduct a workshop at Guru Jambheshwar University, Haryana, INDIA. Dec 18 to 22, 2023.
Recognition - Outstanding Reviewers for Materials Advances in 2023 – RSC
My collaborative research on nano-enabled biosensors and nanomedicine to combat the COVID-19 pandemic is recognized by the WHO and selected for the database.
Early Career Scientist Award 2020-International Journal of Nanomedicine
Charles De Wis Award 2020, Charles Walter Society for Innovation and Research
Task Force Member, ICMR Centre for Innovation & Bio-Design (CIBioD), PGIMER, Chandigarh
Co-organizing Secretory, International Webinar on Materials Synthesis and Characterization (IWMSC-2020), July 11 to 13, 2020 Department of Physics and Electronics, Dr. Rammanohar Lohia Avadh University Ayodhya (U.P.), India & Department of Natural Sciences Florida Polytechnic University, Lakeland, Florida, USA
Universal Scientific Education Research Network (USERN) Laurate in the field Biomedical Sciences-2019
Junior Research Investigator Award in Personalized Nanomedicine by Society for Personalized Nanomedicine-2017
Invited Presentation Award by NIAAA-Neuro-HIV and Alcohol Abuse Satellite Meeting-2017
Excellent Leadership Award by Nano-Florida Foundation.
NanoFlorida-2017 Conference Chairman for 10th Annual Nanoscience Nanotechnology Symposium @Florida International University, Miami, USA.
Awarded lecture “Pran Nath Bohra Trust Fund Lecture” at Panjab University-July-2017.
Expert Lecture at Central Scientific Instrumentations Organization (CSIO)-CSIR, India, July 2017.
Young Investigator Award by Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SBMT)-2017.
Co-chair session on Nano-Neuroscience and Nano-Neurosurgery in SBMT-2017.
Early Career Investigator Travel Award by NIAAA-Neuro-HIV and Alcohol Abuse satellite Meeting 2017 -2016.
International Agency of Standards and Rating (IASR) recognition among the World's 500 Most Influential Nanotechnologists for the Year 2015 on Earth.
Certificate of Excellence Research, by 21st Society of Neuroimmune Pharmacology (SNIP) 2016
“NanoScience Award” dedicated to Prof. Joseph Wang by Cognizure-Publishing Division. 2015
Senior Research Fellowship awarded by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India 2006
Best presentation award on Science Day held at National Physical Laboratory, India, 2009.
Judge of oral/poster session at Graduate Scholar Forum @FIU-2016
Judge of various sessions in McNair Conference-BME-FIU.
Judge of various sessions in the SNIP Conference
Judge of various sessions at NanoFlorida
Foreign Researcher at Centre for the Nanobioengineering and Spintronics (nBEST), Chungnam National University, Daejeon-305-764 Korea.
Team member of Science Foundation (NSF), Nano-engineering Research Center (ERC-1160483) for
Advanced Self-Powered System of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST).
Journal Editor:
Specialty Chief Editor
Biomedical Nanotechnology; Frontiers in Nanotechnology
Editorial Board Members
Chemical Communications RSC
The Innovations Cell Press
Nature Scientific Reports, NPG
Biosensors and Bioelectronics-X – Elsevier
ECS Sensors Plus -ECS
Results in Engineering - Elsevier
Hybrid Advances - Elsevier
International Journal of Nanomedicine, Dovepress
Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery
Journal of Nanostructures in Chemistry, Springer-Nature
Material Research Express